Friday, December 17, 2010

AM Q3 Progress Reel

Well I have reached the end of Quarter 3 and I can't wait until Quarter 4. Here is everything that I have done thus far at Animation Mentor (in reverse order).
Wow, I hadn't realized how much I grew this quarter until I saw this. I guess that is the point. I have to say that the first assignment is painful to watch, but is actually my favorite. It has lots of fun little segments and I like the change in attitude. . I think I will spend some time and make that work. Maybe I'll change the tree to a dummyI have a much better idea on how to do that now. I also want to improve that drunk scene.
On our last Q&A of the quarter Jalil gave me a special shout out for tanasity, because I guess I got extra hard critiques and I didn't let it phase me and he was happy with my progress. He was my favorite mentor, he pushed me hard and he taught me so much. I have regained my animators eye and now it is impossible to watch anything without critiquing the motion and studding it. It is a gift and a curse and I think it will only get worse, but the first step to becoming a better animator is learning to see motion and break it down. The more you can see the more you can see in your own animation and you will be able to improve it. I wonder which mentor I will get next quarter.
I though I would add the still for my title card this quarter with Spike and I as vikings yelling over ale. This was before I had to cut the sword out to fit in the text. Now for winter break, which will be filled with more work and animation.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

AM Q3 ASN3 Refining03 "Final"

This week I was amazed to find that I was not ripped a new one, not that my shot was bad last week, just the last couple of weeks have been rough in the crits. Though I love it and it has helped me to grow so much, no hard feelings Jalil. So this week it was all clean up, tracking arcs, going frame by frame making sure all of my splines are nice, clean, and pretty. I don't feel that it is 100% there, but a good 95%. I took it as far as my eyes and skills could take me. I am really happy with the end and the beginning, however, when he takes the step up to the keg that whole section feels off, not wrong, just not quiet right.

I think next quarter I need to do simplistic shots and plan my time so I could pretty much restart the shot every week, I have learned a lot by starting over.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

AM Q3 ASN3 Refining02

So I got a small crit last week, to change the angle my character is standing. I changed it and it lead to better silhouettes and poses. However, it also made it so some poses were wrecked and nothing was matching up at the barrel. I had to start over. I feel like I made some pretty good progress this week. I like having to start over, I usually get something better, faster, stronger.Though I need to film some more reference and fix some parts. I'm hoping that by the end I have something that looks finished to me.