This week was a lot of work, I should have taken my blocking into splines last week, however, I wanted Chad's opinion on what I had before I did. Had I splined out my animation last week I would have found I had not blocked it very well for splining, because I had changed the poses in the spine in inconstant ways. So I had to delete the whole spine and redo it. It took me a long time to commit to deleting the spine, but in the end I think it was the only way to go. I was much happier with my blocking then I am with the final product. I lost some of my holds that I really liked and the timing changed too into something that just wasn't as punchy. I mainly focused on trying to have nice arcs and smooth animation. I hope chad has some good feed back on how I can work the animation and make it punchier. I learned a lot from this one that I feel will help me a lot in the next assignment.
I originally wanted to do hop on one leg and fall down. But I felt it would end up being too similar to my last one. Plus I had some trouble when it came to splining this one so I wanted something straightforward. So I decided to do a back flip off a box (yes for some reason I feel a backflip is easier then a fall) so I went to Youtube and looked for back flips off a building. I combined 2 videos for my reference, for some reason, all the really good back flip videos cut out the part where the guy anticipates the jump off the building.
From The video I made some planning sketches. In the end I may need some more, but this time I am going to try and keep my blocking less detailed and watch the splines.

I broke those down into the individual Keys and breakdowns.

I feel pretty confident in my ability to pull this off. Going to try and get a lot of blocking done next week so that I am able to spend more time cleaning up the animation.