The final animation was due this week and I didn't quite make it. This week felt like two steps forward and one step back the whole time. I actually made a lot of changes to my animation, however, after I got pass the brick wall I had when working on re-blocking most of the scene I was pretty much out of time. This week I am starting on Monday and going to get as much done as possible. Not going to let this happen again! I am also going to continue to work on this shot and take it as far as I can. I hope that my mentor Jalil will continue to give me critiques, if not I will have to start bugging my friends.
This is also the start of Assignment number 2, I wanted this one to be the counter point to the first one where the first one was chaotic and haphazard, I wanted this one to be more subdued and controlled. I don't know if it is reading the way I want or I am just tired and hate everything. I think most of it will be in the timing.
Note to self week 8 go out and film reference with a friend, last time it went so much better when I had the help of Rick to act it out and just do some different things and give me ideas. I feel like a lot of my reference is all the same. Maybe I will try and hang out with a friend this week and shoot some better reference, damn why does it have to be raining this week.

Yes I know this looks like a jumble, in all my other addignments this worked really well, I guess it is all too close to one another to work well visually. I was also surprised when I brought in a render from my scene from last week and that the spacing was really close to how I drew the planning for the last assignment. I didn't even know, it was kinda cool.

Here is the break down where it should make some more sense. The shot has pretty much 3 steps, he picks up the sword, he hacks at the tree and then he kicks the tree down. I'm hoping that I can get some subtle animation going on, where he is breathing heavy.

I am hoping that due to the fact that there are less keys that I should be able to add a lot more interesting texture in my timing and get more a sense of thought from the character.
On a side not I plan to give the viking character a beard, mustache and an eye patch, so no matter what it will be more epic
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